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Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” - Ephesians 4:32

It’s very important to be nice to others and spread kindness. You never know when a little kindness could really help someone. This season offers us a time to spread kindness. Many people love giving gifts or sending cards as a way to show kindness. God shares His kindness by blessing us and sending His son, who will teach us about being kind and compassionate to others. Kindness is a very important fruit of the Spirit, and it's really not hard to spread it to others!


Dear God,  Thank you so much for Your kindness. Let me learn from You  and spread kindness around the world. Amen

Suggested Activity

Do a kind deed for someone! Give them a gift, write them a note, or do something for them! Tell me about it on the Activity Discussion Board.

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