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“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

It is very important to give thanks to God and to those who provide us with a gift or service. We need to thank God everyday for everything! This includes the little things like just being able to wake up. In today’s verse it says to “give thanks in all circumstances.” This means that even when times get tough or rocky, we need to give thanks and know it’s all part of God’s plan. These experiences can make us stronger in our faith if we reach out to God.


Dear God,  Thank you for all of my many blessings. I know everything is part of Your plan and I thank you for that. Amen

Suggested Activity

Make a list of everything you’re thankful for! Tell me a few things on the discussion board!

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Emily Payne
Emily Payne
Dec 06, 2020

I'm thankful for my awesome students and getting to watch them grow, as people and musicians! So proud of you, Maggie!

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